4 Ways To Get In Quick Workouts With A Busy Schedule

When it comes to working out, many of us will be quick to come up with reasons to not exercise. “I’m too tired” or “my work schedule doesn’t permit it”. We’ve heard it all before, and we completely understand. Your time is valuable, but everyone is capable of building a workout regime around busy schedules. If you impose these constraints on yourself due to your work obligations, your motivation to exercise will become less and less prevalent. You will just need to make a conscious effort to be creative, in finding an exercise routine that works for you. As mobile personal trainers in Huntington Beach, we sympathize with you, as life throws us many curve balls. Despite the daily stress from your busy career, your fitness goals are still within reach. Here are 4 ways to get in quick workouts with a busy schedule.

An Energizing Routine Before You Get Out Of Bed

This may sound comical as your bed is a place of slumber– but there is a workout you can do from your bed. Doing stretches early in the morning will help to keep your muscles flexible and strong. Once you’ve done all of your stretches, incorporate a few strength moves like lunges and push-ups. This will give you a much-needed energy boost for going through the rest of your day.

Fitting Some Physical Activity Into Your Lunch Hour

Lunchtime during the workday looks different for everyone. Even if your schedule is completely booked, there is always a way to allot 30-60 minutes for a lunch break. Use this time to go for a walk during lunch. The rejuvenation this provides for your physical and mental well-being speaks for itself. When the break is over, snack on some vegetables, meal bars, or protein shakes. You can decrease the number of calories you consumed, and burn some extra calories in the process. This is a great way to hold yourself accountable in ensuring you don’t overconsume calories, either. 

Catching Up On The Weekend

The weekend is a perfect opportunity to make up for lost time. Our schedules are usually freed up on Saturdays and Sundays. Maybe you took the time to sleep in, and with more time to rest, this means you will have more energy to exert during workout sessions. A half-hour workout will suffice, but try to aim for a vigorous 60-minute session. Whether you choose to lift weights, aerobics, cardio, or a mixture of different workouts, these advanced sessions are helpful for mitigating stress and improving one’s overall well-being. To make it easier, always try to adhere to the recommendations for weekly workouts. One way to achieve this is by doing two, 60-minute weekend workouts and a 30-minute workout during the week. In doing so, you will hit the minimum of 150 minutes of exercise a week. You can read more on this here.

Use Mobile Personal Training Programs

The remote model for working out has been on the upswing for quite some time. Emerge Fitness offers mobile personal training programs in California for all kinds of clients. Whether you’re a novice in the fitness world, or someone with a moderate amount of experience who is trying to build a stronger foundation for fitness, you have everything to gain from participating in our program. Our business model is 100% mobile. Trainers will come to you and will work to accommodate your busy schedule. If you’re at home, the office, or a local park, all of this is immaterial, since we’ve made it easy for clients to work out in an environment that is suitable for them. The mobile personal training model leaves no one behind and takes the guesswork out of planning a workout.

Getting In Quick Workouts With a Mobile Personal Trainer in Huntington Beach

We hope that these 4 methods for getting in quick workouts will put you on the path to success. Emerge Fitness is committed to simplifying the complicated aspects of fitness planning for our clients. Seeking a mobile personal trainer in Huntington Beach? Contact us today! 


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