You Can Get in Great Shape at Home

Tell us if this sounds familiar. “I want to go to the gym, but my daily schedule doesn’t give me the freedom to make it happen.” While navigating the daily stressors of everyday life is exhausting, if it can be helped, don’t forsake your fitness goals just because you can’t physically go to the gym. We all get busy, we all have others to care and look out for, but with the right amount of planning, it’s still possible to make time for physical activity, and you don’t need the gym to hit your goals all of the time. Here at Emerge Fitness, our mobile personal training programs California are designed to help those with busy schedules, but are still committed to a fitness regime. Let’s further explore how you can reign supreme without the gym environment. There are many ways to workout at home or even get basic exercise.

Walking For Burning Fat

One way you can shed fat outside of the gym to display your muscles is through walking. Walking has been shown to burn a higher percentage of calories from fat compared to more intense forms of cardio, like running. Walking is also very low maintenance and can be treated as a leisure activity. It’s something that everyone can participate in, especially your family and friends. 

Using Fitness Equipment At Home

Gym equipment is very easy to get a hold of! Dumbbells, kettlebells, stability balls, and jump ropes, are a few examples of accessories that can do wonders for getting a good workout at home or any area of your choosing. Mobile personal training programs California can provide useful exercises that include help from some of your favorite workout accessories. 

Watching Free Workout Videos

Another reason you don’t always need the gym is because of how easy it is to access the same information online. Workout videos are anything but limited in their bandwidth, and many of them are free to watch. This allows you to focus on your goals and the muscle groups you’re trying to hit.

Don’t Be Afraid To Get Creative

This can be the most exciting aspect of a custom workout routine. You can find items around your house and use them for curls or squats. Furniture can also suffice as equipment. Think of box squats or step ups on chairs.

Doing Bodyweight Exercises

Bodyweight exercises are another prime example of getting your body moving. Planks, push-ups, squats, are a few examples of what can be done to stay moving. Fitting this into your routine with kids may seem difficult, but you are also in control of how your day pans out. If your young children take naps during the day, use this time to get a workout in.

Turn Housework Into An Exercise Experience

Believe it or not-cleaning the house is a great way to stay active. To get a better idea of how many calories you can burn doing this, check out this neat calculator tool for tracking calories and much more!

Getting Started With Our Mobile Gym in Orange County, CA

For those looking to try a new approach to personal training, look no further than our team at Emerge Fitness which can be at your home with our mobile gym at your convenience! Contact us today to learn more! 


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